International Theatre & Dance Summer Intensive
Laugarvatn, Iceland
Chantelle’s International Theatre & Dance Summer Intensive in Iceland (formerly known as Sumarbúðir Chantelle Carey) was first hosted in the beautiful lakeside town of Laugarvatn, Iceland in July of 2020. The 6-day intensive furthers performing arts education for students who have a deep passion for the arts. With a diverse and international faculty of top- quality instructors all working in their fields, this program provides students with the tools to become well-rounded performers.
Students enjoy rigorous classes in different styles of dance, singing, acting and performance composition. Focus is both on individual skills as well as group collaboration.
And of course, group camp activities and outdoor fun are an integral part of the experience! (e.g Trivia Night, Sports Day, Campfire BBQ)
At the end of the intensive, family and friends are invited for an informal “showcase” of what the students have been working on throughout the week.
SUMMER 2024!
11-16 August
DATES: The intensive begins on Sunday, 11 August and ends on Friday, 16 August.
AGES: The intensive caters to students from the ages of 10-25 years old. Students will be grouped into class sections based both on age and/or skill level. Note: The 18-25 age group is a “pre-professional” track, for those who are pursuing dance/theatre/performance as a career.
HOUSING/MEALS: Students will be housed in dorm style rooms based on age & gender identity. Younger students will have “team leaders”, who will supervise and assist them throughout the intensive. Three meals a day are included in the program (dietary restrictions must be noted in advance for the chefs to prepare). Snacks and other food may be purchased at the shop in town, at the student’s own cost.
PRICE: The total price for the program is 128.000isk. This cost covers all classes, activities & meals (3 meals a day). *Sibling discount of 10.000isk per student is available for two or more siblings joining the program.
A non-refundable deposit of 30.000isk is due upon registration to secure a spot, and the remaining balance is due on 1 June, 2024.
LANGUAGE: Classes this year will be taught predominantly in English. Our teaching faculty includes those who speak English, Icelandic, Polish and Spanish. For the younger students, team leaders will be present to assist with Icelandic-English translations if needed.
COMMITMENT: This program is structured to give students a taste of a well-rounded performance education. Therefore, the daily schedules and classes are very structured and challenging. Some classes may have assignments either before the camp to prepare, or during the camp. While we ensure that their schedules are balanced with fun activities, group building and free time, students and parents should be aware that this is a performance intensive and all scheduled classes are mandatory for all students (based on their age group).
You may also email with any questions regarding the summer intensive.
Past Instructors:
Örn Arnasón • Sigríður Eyrún Friðriksdóttir • Auður Bergdís • Natasha Monay Royal • Gulla Ólafsdóttir • Dilly Greasley • Ástrós Guðjónsdóttir • Ágústa Skúladóttir • Rebecca Hidalgo • þórey Birgisdóttir • Arnar Ingi • Viktoría Sigurðardóttir Stefaníudóttir • Jeffre Scott • Björn Dagur Bjarnason • Rúnar Bjarnason • Baldvin Alan • Sigrún Ósk• Legendary Monster Babylon • Omari Wiles• Ola Getka• Oliver Roll• Ryan Carey-Hills
Feature on RÚV’s series “Sumarlandinn” in 2020. Interviews with the camp director Chantelle and various students:
“Dóttir mín hefur sótt sumarbúðir Chantelle þrisvar sinnum. Hún hefur lært svo mikið þar, söng, dans og sjálfstraustið hefur vaxið mikið. Þar að auki hefur hún eignast endalaust mikið af frábærum vinum.
Það sem skiptir mestu máli fyrir mig sem foreldri er það er svo passað upp á allt. Maturinn er góður og allt svo faglegt.
My daughter has attended Chantelle’s summer camp three times. She has learned so much there, singing, dancing and her confidence has grown a lot. In addition, she has made an endless amount of great friends.
The most important thing for me as a parent is that everything is taken care of. The food is good and everything is so professional.”
“Ég mæli eindregið með að fara á Laugarvatn, þetta var geggjað og ég var svo heppin að fara 2 ár í röð. Það var svo gaman að hitta og kynnast nýju fólki, kennurunum og dönsurum. Skemmtilegt program alla vikuna og krefjandi.
I strongly recommend going to Laugarvatn, it was amazing and I was lucky enough to go 2 years in a row. It was so much fun meeting and getting to know new people, the teachers and dancers. A fun and challenging program all week.”
“Þetta sumarnámskeið er einstakt og gefur ungu flóki tækifæri með að vinna með atvinnufólki í sviðslistum. Chantelle Carey hefur opnað dyr margra íslenskra ungmenna með sínum störfum og við mælum með þessu námskeiði fyrir alla efnilega framtíðar listamenn
This summer course is unique and gives young people the opportunity to work with professionals in the performing arts. Chantelle Carey has opened the doors of many Icelandic youth with her work and we recommend this course for all promising future artists”
“Amazing teachers, and I met so many new people! It was a perfect mix of professional training and a fun social environment. ”
“Ég mæli eindregið með sumarbúðunum Chantelle á Laugavatni. Nemendurnir öðlast mikið sjálfstraust, þetta eykur sköpun, bætir samskipti þeirra og það er ótrúlegt hversu miklu árangri þau ná á einni viku. Kennararnir eru frábærir og allt gert af gríðarlegri fagmennsku. Mæli eindregið með þessum sumarbúðum fyrir alla hressa og skapandi krakka, unglinga og ungmenni
I highly recommend Chantelle’s summer camp in Laugravatn. The students gain a lot of confidence which increases creativity, improves their communication, and it is amazing how much progress they achieve in one week. The teachers are great and all is done with tremendous professionalism. Highly recommend this summer camp for all excited and creative kids, teens, and young adults.”
“Ógeðslega gaman, lærði ekkert eðlilega mikið og náði sjúklega miklum framförum
So much fun, I learned so unbelievably much and made a lot of progress!” ”
“Ég fór tvö ár í röð í sumarbúðirnar og ég sé alls ekki eftir því. Þetta er ótrúlega lærdómsrík og gefandi upplifun sem að allir hefðu gaman að. Bæði árin sem ég fór voru allskonar frábærir kennarar sem ég lærði ótrúlega mikið af. Frábær upplifun sem ég mæli eindregið með.
I went two years in a row- it is an incredibly educational and rewarding experience that everyone would enjoy. Both years I went there were all kinds of great teachers from whom I learned an incredible amount. A great experience that I highly recommend.”